

                        Ceramicoating Is The Future..

Ceramicoat is a paint conditioner very similar to wax, but it lasts about 15 times as much, is about a 100 times more resistant to scratches dust and of course it is water repellent.
Regular wax in the real world lasts about a month or two, Ceramicoating will last 6 month or more.
It is the ultimate investment for your ride, it will keep the paint so fresh even if it just rained you will just see the water pearling off your car, for months and months to come.
Satisfaction Guaranteed !!

PPG Professional 4 Stage Touch Up

Our touch up is nothing like regular touch up.
We use a special PPG formulation to make our touch up as well as a special applicator tool to apply it.
We can match almost any color in the car industry with our PPG Color System, we carry all the Tints and additives in our mobile units.
Our formulation includes the addition of PPG ClearCoat which allows our touch up to last you a very long time compared to regular touch up, and our applicator tool allows us to make our touch up so precise that you will hardly be able to tell where the damaged area was ..

        We Repaint Panels/Bumpers On The Spot

We will come to you in mobile fashion, inspect the damage and let you know the best way to fix it without overpaying for your fix.
Sometimes a touch up is enough to fix the issue, other times the damage is too big, or too deep to use touch up .
If the damage is big enough that other techniques won't work to fix it we will go to the next step, which would be filling/Patching the damage if necessary with PPG Fillers/Glaze .
After we repaired all visible damage we will prepare the panel to be primed, painted and finally cleared .
Every product used is PPG branded, which means peace of mind for our customers and for us as well ...

Mercalli Body & Paint LLC
Hassle Free, Accommodating and Affordable !!
Schedule Your Mobile Body & Paint Service Now